Social Media Strategies, Simplified for Rookies

First off, It can be a lot. I just thought I’d share some information I presented a group of businesses that were starting out. If you’re in this boat, then read on. Hope it helps! Social media has become an ever increasing part a small business marketing strategy. This is because it mostly levels the […]

Silicon Valley: The most nerdy and interesting crash course in business.

I’ve seen the ads for the HBOnow app for months. I’m not a huge TV guy but boredom enticed me into the trial, and after seeing what the big deal was about Game of Thrones (overrated), I stumbled upon Silicon Valley. I was hooked! Storytelling and clever plot developments usually make me love a show, […]

Keeping it short Vol. 1: Brokepreneurial; The concept that works!

“Keeping it short is a series of observations from the many people that I run into covering subjects of marketing, business, life, and anything else remotely interesting. Or, at least my mom thinks are interesting. She loves everything I do, right mom?”   I was at a coffee shop listening to Miles Davis’ Four, responding to […]